Háma is located at Háskólatorg, in Stakkahlíð, Tæknigarður, Eirberg, Læknagarður, Þjóðarbókhlaðan and Askja.

In Háma, you find a great selection of food and beverages. Háma at Háskólatorg, Tæknigarður, and Læknagarður also offer hot meals every weekday, and all Háma offer soup.

A valid University student ID provides discounts on meals, soup, and coffee cards.

The stock we use in our food is without gluten and MSG. For all vegan dishes and soups, we only use vegan stock. Vegan dishes and soups are marked (V) on the menu and the chalkboard in Háma. Allergenic ingredients in our food are listed in a ( ).

Menus of the week

Monday, 29. apríl

Dish of the day:

Fiskibollur með steiktum kartöflum og rjómalagaðri lauksósu.// Fish buns with fried potatoes and creamy onion sauce.

Vegan dish of the day:

Grænmetisbuff með steiktum kartöflum og rjómalagaðri lauksósu.// Vegetable buns with fried potatoes and creamy onion sauce.

Tuesday, 30. apríl

Dish of the day:

Lasagne með kryddbrauði og salati.// Lasagne with bread and salad.

Vegan dish of the day:

Grænmetislasagne með kryddbrauði og salati.// Vegetable lasagne with bread and salad.

Wednesday, 1. maí

Dish of the day:


Vegan dish of the day:

Thursday, 2. maí

Dish of the day:

Lambapottréttur með hrísgrjónum og salati.// Lamb stew with rice and salad.

Vegan dish of the day:

Grænmetispottréttur með hrísgrjónum og salati.// Vegetable stew with rice and salad.

Friday, 3. maí

Dish of the day:

Pulled pork borgari með frönskum kartöflum og kokteilsósu.// Pulled pork burger with french fries and sauce.

Vegan dish of the day:

Pulled oumph borgari með frösnskum kartöflum og kokteilsósu.// Pulled oumph burger with french fries and sauce.

Monday, 29. apríl

Háma soup:

Indversk kjúklingasúpa.// Indian chicken soup.

Vegan soup:

Qiunoasúpa.// Qiunoa soup.

Tuesday, 30. apríl

Háma soup:

Íslensk kjötsúpa.// Icelandic meet soup.

Vegan soup:

Linsubaunasúpa.// Lentils soup.

Wednesday, 1. maí

Háma soup:

Vegan soup:

Thursday, 2. maí

Háma soup:

Kremuð lauksúpa.// Creamy onion soup.

Vegan soup:

Grænmetissúpa.// Vegetable soup.

Friday, 3. maí

Háma soup:

Aspassúpa.// Asparagus soup.

Vegan soup:

Kókos-karrýsúpa.// Coconut and curry soup.

Háma is located at Háskólatorg, in Stakkahlíð, Tæknigarður, Eirberg, Læknagarður, Þjóðarbókhlaðan and Askja.

In Háma, you find a great selection of food and beverages. Háma at Háskólatorg, Tæknigarður, and Læknagarður also offer hot meals every weekday, and all Háma offer soup.

The prices are as follows. Hot meal: 1.930 ISK // Hot meal w/student discount: 1.590 ISK // Soup: 980 ISK // Soup w/student discount: 880 ISK

A valid University student ID provides discounts on meals, soup, and coffee cards.

The stock we use in our food is without gluten and MSG. For all vegan dishes and soups, we only use vegan stock. Vegan dishes and soups are marked (V) on the menu and on the chalkboard in Háma. Allergenic ingredients in our food are listed in a ( ).


Dish of the day

Vegan dish of the day


29. apríl

Fiskibollur með steiktum kartöflum og rjómalagaðri lauksósu.// Fish buns with fried potatoes and creamy onion sauce.

Grænmetisbuff með steiktum kartöflum og rjómalagaðri lauksósu.// Vegetable buns with fried potatoes and creamy onion sauce.


30. apríl

Lasagne með kryddbrauði og salati.// Lasagne with bread and salad.

Grænmetislasagne með kryddbrauði og salati.// Vegetable lasagne with bread and salad.


1. maí



2. maí

Lambapottréttur með hrísgrjónum og salati.// Lamb stew with rice and salad.

Grænmetispottréttur með hrísgrjónum og salati.// Vegetable stew with rice and salad.


3. maí

Pulled pork borgari með frönskum kartöflum og kokteilsósu.// Pulled pork burger with french fries and sauce.

Pulled oumph borgari með frösnskum kartöflum og kokteilsósu.// Pulled oumph burger with french fries and sauce.


Háma soup

Vegan soup


29. apríl

Indversk kjúklingasúpa.// Indian chicken soup.

Qiunoasúpa.// Qiunoa soup.


30. apríl

Íslensk kjötsúpa.// Icelandic meet soup.

Linsubaunasúpa.// Lentils soup.


1. maí


2. maí

Kremuð lauksúpa.// Creamy onion soup.

Grænmetissúpa.// Vegetable soup.


3. maí

Aspassúpa.// Asparagus soup.

Kókos-karrýsúpa.// Coconut and curry soup.

29.04.24 – 03.05.24